ERASMUS Higher Adult Education of the New Economy.

'ERASMUS Edu Foundation' is an institute within the Management sector of ERASMUS Higher Contineous Education.

A pioneering model 'ERASMUS Edu Foundation' has defined its Business Strategy and Identity around Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Big Data Sciences & Digital know-how and Creativity.

ERASMUS Education Foundation
is a private institute of further higher education
and multidisciplinary research in Switzerland.

Discover our Educational Philosophy,
Join Partnership and Collaborate as our Network.



‘EEEi’ at a glance

The ERASMUS Executive Education Institute | ERASMUS Edu Foundation aims to accelerate the modernization of the European Higher Education Area. The Foundation focuses its action on five pillars and it stands for diversity and social fairness in Higher Education.

Executive MBA | Executive DBA Degree Diploma Programs

As executives and managers, you are invited to embark on your journey of continuous development with us and discover how our programs empower executives like you with the latest in management thinking and industry best practices. This will empower you to achieve a sustainable edge in today's dynamic and challenging business landscape. --

REPORT : Erasmus Higher Education Two-Year into the Covid-19 Pandemic

In February 2022, the Erasmus Executive Higher Education Institute from the Erasmus Edu Foundation launched the second edition of the global survey on the impact of COVID-19 on higher education to monitor the situation one year into the pandemic.
The survey gathered replies from 1050 in 45 countries and through our partner universities and network.

This second edition was a comprehensive survey gathering institutional responses in all aspects of higher education mission and functioning, namely, governance, teaching and learning, research and community, societal engagement.

Higher Education One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic report introduces the global perspective and a comparison between regions and public and private HEIs.
At the same time, the survey results generate concern about the future for some institutions. Still, it highlights several positive outcomes, where the crisis has brought about new opportunities and possibilities.

The report offers a very detailed picture of the impact of COVID-19 on higher education using the responses by higher education institutions and other stakeholders one year into the pandemic. The webinar held on 1 March 2022 officially launched the report presenting an overview and focusing on the main results.


Welcome to Erasmus Edu Foundation!



Dual Executive MBA I (BDBD) & Dual Executive MBA II (GM) Swiss EMBA + French Public University EMBA

Dual Executive MBA I

Dual Executive MBA II

Joint AMP Certificate 

– General Management 

(1) Swiss SGSB Business School

Swiss SGSB eMBA Diploma

 International Business & Global Management (IBGM).

(2) French Public University

UTT eMBA Diploma 

–  Business Development and Big Data (BDBD)

Joint AMP Certificate 

– General Management 

(1) Swiss SGSB Business School Swiss SGSB eMBA Diploma

 International Business & Global Management (IBGM).

(2) French Public University

French UPEC eMBA Diploma 

– General Management (GM)

– Within 12 Months learning program (7 months learning modules + 4 months preparing a Project+ Graduation ceremony)

– Dual EMBA diplomas of two universities from two countries

– Only 1 project, no required a dissertation

– Participating 1 full-day Extracurricular activity

CONTACT For Master, MBA, EMBA degree diploma program:

  • info@erasmus-edu.ch
  • graduate@erasmus-edu.ch


Earn European Dual Executive MBA (EMBA) in Business Development and Big Data(BDBD) + Global Business (GB) within 12 months.

French Public University, the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) in France. (www.utt.fr)
Swiss Private Business School, the Swiss Graduate School of Business (SGSB) in Switzerland. (www.sgsb.Swiss)

CONTACT : info@erasmus-edu.ch


ANNOUNCEMENT | Earn European Dual Executive MBA (EMBA) in Business Development and Big Data(BDBD) + Global Business (GB) within 12 months.

French Public University, the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) in France. (www.utt.fr)
Swiss Private Business School, the Swiss Graduate School of Business (SGSB) in Switzerland. (www.sgsb.swiss)
CONTACT : info@erasmus-edu.ch


ERASMUS EDU FOUNDATION – We aim to develop confident, thoughtful, outward-looking from young managers till Directors, Entrepreneurs, CEOs from World-wide.

We deliver a rigorous academic program with our leading global partner universities to obtain Dual or Triple degree but believe that successful students, professionally working in their professional fields are not defined solely by their attainment in tests and exams. Our program of study allows students to maintain breadth as well as depth, based on the international Curriculum for Switzerland, France and UK and leading up to the highly qualified partner universities' syllabus and the International Dual or Triple Degree Program, studying at one place or two different universities to earn Triple degree. The Dual or Triple degree program at one tuition fee is an internationally recognized program providing opportunities for collaboration and student-led, in-depth research into areas of interest. Our co-curricular unique degree program provides opportunities for students to excel in learning and performing business mind, entrepreneurship and we encourage all our students to take part in a service project, Advanced Management Program(AMP), or join a community group.


  • NEWS 》Erasmus Edu Foundation and SGSB Business School – Swiss Graduate School of Business Launch an Executive MBA Program in Collaboration with UTT – University of Technology of Troyes in France.

    Executive Master of Business Administration in Business Development and Big Data (BDBD), The University of Technology of Troyes (UTT – Université de Technologie de Troyes)French Public University, in the Academy of Reims, France.


    Erasmus Edu Foundation and Swiss Graduate School of Business Launch an Executive MBA (EMBA) degree diploma program in collaboration with the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT), French Public University, in the Academy of Reims, France.